At St Francis de Sales there are many opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and to participate in leadership activities. Some of these include:
Student Representative Council
In Grade 6 students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of leadership roles through the Grade 6 Student Representative Council Program. Some of the important roles held by our Grade 6 Student Representatives include Liturgy Leaders and Playground Support Leaders.
Sustainability Group
The Sustainability Group is made up of a group of students who are interested in the environment, sustainability and making St Francis de Sales a better place. Students from Grades 3-5 who would like to develop their leadership skills and participate in projects relating to the environment and sustainability are encouraged to join.
Mini Vinnies and our Community Partnerships Program
Mini Vinnies is a group of students from Grades 3-6 who get together to help those in need within our school community. Mini Vinnies introduces children to social justice issues, to the St Vincent de Paul Society and to living faith through action. Our Community Partnerships Program is about reaching out and making connections with others in our community. This pastoral link to our local community will prove to be a significant experience for all stakeholders involved. It can best be described as faith in action.